I will miss the feeling of Easter morning. I won’t get to feel what it’s like being at
the church early for sunrise service. I won’t feel the excitement of having a really
big carry in breakfast full of great food and fellowship. I lost a good suit at one of
those Easter breakfasts dropping grease on it as I tried to sneak in a few extra
bites! I won’t see the robes on the choir, the smile on their faces or hear the
passion in their voices as they sing about our resurrected Savior during the cantata.
There will be no bright shirts and dresses either. The building will be quiet &
As we experience our first Easter trying to be socially distant, my thoughts bounce
around. Feelings on top of feelings give me a sense of anxiousness. I thought
today, “maybe next year.” It was at that moment the Lord whispered in my spirit,
next year?
I am reminded of what Luke told us in chapter 24 verses 6-8
6 “He is not here, but he has risen! Remember how he spoke to you when he
was still in Galilee, 7 saying, ‘It is necessary that the Son of Man be
betrayed into the hands of sinful men, be crucified, and rise on the third
day’?” 8 And they remembered his words.
Having seen Jesus crucified, I couldn't imagine the feelings early that morning
when they arrived at His tomb. There was no immediate celebration, no singing, no
fellowship and definitely no carry in breakfast. What was felt didn’t change the fact
that He has risen.
I am thankful His resurrection doesn't depend on my feelings or what I get to
experience on Easter morning. He has risen is being declared all throughout the
world and I encourage you today, don’t allow what you are feeling to get in the way
of what He has accomplished. Yes, the building will be quiet and deserted. I may
miss some things but I don’t want that feeling to interfere and cause me to miss
what Easter is really about. Easter isn’t cancelled, it’s to be celebrated every year
and every day of our lives, no matter what we feel or what we face.
Until we see each other again
Pastor Chad