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Church Is Over 3/15/2020 12:37 PM

Writer's picture: Chad LambertChad Lambert

Church is over? Well, yes and no. What was really happening when I wrote that statement, I knew at this time on a “normal” Sunday, I would be leaving the church because church is over…

I thought about how the service would’ve gone and who would’ve attended today. I questioned a few things too.

Would the songs have brought unity in worship?

Would I have hit all the notes or points I believe God gave me?

You think the church would’ve gotten my humor today?

I missed out on these thoughts, experiences and more…I guess the good thing is knowing that I am not alone. Many of you looked at the clock today, knowing that at this time on a “normal” Sunday here is what I would be experiencing. Today isn’t “normal” at all for us. Unity is still important and unity should be what we strive for as each day passes. I can’t speak to you in person but I can still speak to you. I want you to know something. YOU make up the WE in our church.

In Ephesians 4 Paul writes…

1 Therefore I, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to live worthy of the calling you have received, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Make every effort…I’ll commit to that. Even if it’s not “normal” for us right now, I will commit to you that I will make every effort to keep the unity. I am asking and believing that you will do the same!

Will you make every effort when things aren’t “normal”?

Until we see each other again

Pastor Chad


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